
Why can't I change my autopay date to the 4th of the month?

  • 3 October 2022
  • 2 replies


Due to getting my SSDI check on the 3rd of each month, I pay ALL of my bills on the 4th, and don’t always have the money in my account on the 1st, when the payment is taken out. Why can’t I change my autopay date to the earliest date I know I’ll have the money available to pay my cell bill? 

As bad as the service is, both customer and cell where I live, I’m seriously considering changing providers anyway…….

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

You can change your due date once. My bill closes on the 26th of the month and my bill is due the 15th but tmobile draws the payment on the 13th to avoid any snafus and late charges.

So if you can change remember the 2 day early draw of the bill so you may want to ask for the 6th or 7th due date.

Due Dates


You can change your due date once. My bill closes on the 26th of the month and my bill is due the 15th but tmobile draws the payment on the 13th to avoid any snafus and late charges.

So if you can change remember the 2 day early draw of the bill so you may want to ask for the 6th or 7th due date.

Due Dates

I tried to change my due date, but the site won’t let me. I tried to call the “customer service” number yesterday. I was on hold for over an hour, to get that, and another issue taken care of, but my call was never answered! There needs to be a chat feature on the website for things like “why can I text when out and around, but not when I’m at home?” taken care of. I also HATE that robot/computer that “answers” the “customer service” line with a passion. Let me talk to a real person right away, and things would get taken care of much quicker.
