
Android 12 Update for oneplus 7t Pro 5G McLaren

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How long did it take to complete android 12 version for OnePlus 7t pro 5G?


Best answer by HeavenM 25 October 2022, 20:54

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Userlevel 7
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I think it's time to just get a new phone.... I had the oneplus pro 7 . Paid it off and unlocked it . But becus see it's a carrier phone I can't update it anymore. I am ok with it. And didn't go on a wild tirade .....

The 7 Pro is well beyond end of life, even for those that didn't remain on Android 11.  The 7 Pro was and still is an awesome device but getting something new would be a significant upgrade.  

I think it's time to just get a new phone.... I had the oneplus pro 7 . Paid it off and unlocked it . But becus see it's a carrier phone I can't update it anymore. I am ok with it. And didn't go on a wild tirade .....

Userlevel 7
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Funny story I actually contacted the FCC about this and the update showed up on my phone soon after. Still it's sad and rather ishy of Tmobile to make consumers wait so long for an old behind update. My phone has been so sluggish, calling and signal issues, data drops, no service alerts. I really doubt I'll ever buy another T-Mobile phone again. 

or skip out on buying another OP phone seeing as how all the other manufacturers didnt have that many issues kicking out their updates for their phones..

Userlevel 2

Funny story I actually contacted the FCC about this and the update showed up on my phone soon after. Still it's sad and rather ishy of Tmobile to make consumers wait so long for an old behind update. My phone has been so sluggish, calling and signal issues, data drops, no service alerts. I really doubt I'll ever buy another T-Mobile phone again. 

Userlevel 7
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If OnePlus was smart, they would skip 12 for the 7T Pro McLaren and go straight to 13.  However, if 12 does roll out, it probably won't be until November at the earliest for the 7T's and 7T Pro McLaren's.

Just checked for System Update while on Android 11 "Using my OnePlus 7T Pro 5G McLaren T-Mobile phone " . It's March 18, 2023 and it states Android 12 System Update is available now.. I believe my phone model is HD1925 . I haven't downloaded it as of yet. * Funny thing is that T-Mobile CEO's Executive Office just told me a few days ago that they had tested and seen so many issues with Android 12 from OnePlus that they definitely would not release it. ** Therefore I'm skeptical of downloading Android 12 update now . It seems that if I don't want it to download automatically before March 26, 2023 at midnight. I'd have to go into Developer Settings and turn off Automatic Updates. Not sure after all the negatives spoke of re: A12 in the past that I want to download it now. Any input or suggestions? 

Personally  I would disable automatic updates in the developer options and remain on Android 11.  Significantly less issues and the new Color OS they are calling OxygenOS now is awful!  You will lose certain features moving to Android 12 as well.  If it was possible to move my s23 Ultra back to Android 11, I would!  My OnePlus 8T is also currently back on Android 11 because 12 and 13 requiring you to have a default browser got on my last nerve.

If OnePlus was smart, they would skip 12 for the 7T Pro McLaren and go straight to 13.  However, if 12 does roll out, it probably won't be until November at the earliest for the 7T's and 7T Pro McLaren's.

Just checked for System Update while on Android 11 "Using my OnePlus 7T Pro 5G McLaren T-Mobile phone " . It's March 18, 2023 and it states Android 12 System Update is available now.. I believe my phone model is HD1925 . I haven't downloaded it as of yet. * Funny thing is that T-Mobile CEO's Executive Office just told me a few days ago that they had tested and seen so many issues with Android 12 from OnePlus that they definitely would not release it. ** Therefore I'm skeptical of downloading Android 12 update now . It seems that if I don't want it to download automatically before March 26, 2023 at midnight. I'd have to go into Developer Settings and turn off Automatic Updates. Not sure after all the negatives spoke of re: A12 in the past that I want to download it now. Any input or suggestions? 

Userlevel 3

1st time I'm using OnePlus mobile and found many users are worrying about their os bugs

Userlevel 3

I was using Motorola mobile since 15 years and also test for internal.. I didn't found any bugs any of their devices... It is truth there are no any bugs 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

You are wrong... As Motorola devices are 100% out of bugs... Their official roms are super as they have no any os bugs

As someone who did a lot of internal testing for Motorola when they were owned by Google.  I know that is very far from the truth.  

Userlevel 3

You are wrong... As Motorola devices are 100% out of bugs... Their official roms are super as they have no any os bugs

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

How can I get the update?

updates especially large OS updates are pushed out in waves in case any major issues are found and it can be stopped before everyones bricked their phones. said waves can take up to a week to make it to everyone...but usually within the first couple days of release.

How can I get the update?

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

But they sould fix it in new security patch... Its their responsibility to fix this bugs with new update or without update or with security update 

I don't see how it is their responsibility to fix a bug that made it into the final update for a device.  No device is 100% bug free.  Apps can introduce bugs unforseen by the Dev team.  The device is already almost 2 Android versions out of date with beta 3 of Android 14 already available for some devices testing programs.

Userlevel 3

But they sould fix it in new security patch... Its their responsibility to fix this bugs with new update or without update or with security update 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

The multi touch and other issues with Android 12 for devices that were end of life after that update have never been resolved.  They are listed as end of life and list the Android 12 update as the last update.  You can always MSM back to before that issue started and just not update. 

I am glad you all got your Android 12 update but I knew none of you were going to be happy with it.  Perhaps it is finally time to consider moving on to a newer device and one that is still within its support window.

Userlevel 3

What about bugs???

How we can remove bugs without update..

I hoped that in android 12 bugs will remove but nothing happened.. multi touch issues and all other bugs related to touch still present..

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Well, we finally got it, boys!



Keep that hope alive but I doubt it is coming.  


It really is here! On my McLaren I just now checked System->Update, and it is listed!

Yahoo! Now I’m  griping that they didn’t skip it and go to 13.

Funny how it happened right after Syaoran finally caved and said he doubted it--synchronicity?

Thank you T-Mobile.


at this point of of it finally getting kicked out..would you doubt it was coming?

Userlevel 2

Well, we finally got it, boys!



Keep that hope alive but I doubt it is coming.  


It really is here! On my McLaren I just now checked System->Update, and it is listed!

Yahoo! Now I’m  griping that they didn’t skip it and go to 13.

Funny how it happened right after Syaoran finally caved and said he doubted it--synchronicity?

Thank you T-Mobile.


Userlevel 3

But multi touch issue not solved in android 12 

Userlevel 3

Yes guys catch it... Android 12 has been released 

Well, we finally got it, boys!


Userlevel 7
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With Android 15 already in beta 2 and the 7T Pro 5G now being End of Life for over a year now…  Factor in that T-Mobile does not sell the OPPO OnePlus 11 and the only stock for OnePlus devices is old stock.  Keep that hope alive but I doubt it is coming.  

Userlevel 3

Where is update???

I think it is in pipeline..

Userlevel 3

T-Mobile is sleeping to launch update Android 12 for this model

Userlevel 2

OOS12 for T-Mobile 7T has arrived, which still gives hope that it will come for the McLaren.

A month ago, according to a T-Mobile community manager, “OnePlus 7T Pro 5G and Android 12 is still in development.”

