
Galaxy Watch LTE duplicate messages

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And it looks like its doing it again! 

And it looks like its doing it again! 

I was on the phone with the Digits team yesterday.  They said to turn LTE on all the time on the watch. That didn’t do anything except I got the duplicate texts one right after the other.  Plus it will kill the battery.  

I have an open ticket with the engineering team that I asked to be escalated.  Not hopeful, but we’ll see.  May start hitting up both T-Mobile and Samsung on Twitter.  This is unacceptable. 


Hi. Im assuming nothing? I guess I should return this watch then. 

Hi. Im assuming nothing? I guess I should return this watch then. 

Nothing yet.  I will follow up with them later today. 

Sweet,  thanks for letting me know. 

Sweet,  thanks for letting me know. 

Here is a link to my Tweet if you (or anyone else on here) want to comment.  They are responding but just telling me the usual stuff.  Reset the watch, the watch is broken, blah blah blah.

@tmo_amanda I don’t think this is solved.  I’ve been trying to get it fixed for over a week now. 

Just commented on your tweet!

The only "solution" is leaving LTE on (it can still connect via Bluetooth) and then turning notifications off for your phone message app. That way you only get texts on the watch through the message app (LTE) on the watch. Not sure if battery drain is less since it's still connected BT.

The only "solution" is leaving LTE on (it can still connect via Bluetooth) and then turning notifications off for your phone message app. That way you only get texts on the watch through the message app (LTE) on the watch. Not sure if battery drain is less since it's still connected BT.

That didn’t work for me.  I still got duplicate messages one after the other.  This is something that they need an engineer to look at and fix.  I will keep pushing until they get it escalated to the right person. 

It worked for me and I think is how it's supposed to work until they get a better solution. 

This is honestly insane. The issue has been happening for YEARS. For me it started back with my original Galaxy Watch, and still the same thing with my Galaxy Watch 3. I canceled my separate watch line then, I'll be doing the same now. 

Just commented on your tweet!

Soooo, I think they may have finally fixed it!!  

Here is what I got back:

“Our engineers did perform a back-end sync I see and we'd now like to ensure that you're logged out of the T-Mobile app with that DIGITS number on all devices and then log back in and test things out once more.”


Then they said “'I’ve refreshed the connection for the Watch on my end, could you restart the Watch for me now and then test things out with the LTE connection?”

I tested and so far no duplicates.  Need to test it out a little more, but this is the first time I’ve gone on LTE and wasn’t flooded.  

I’ll see if I can get a ticket or reference number for others to use if you call or chat with support. 

Here is the trouble ticket number that they gave me.  Hopefully if you reference this it will help.  I’ll let mine go for a few days and report back on the fix.  Ticket #47828375.

Userlevel 2
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I was under the impression, that if you were to run 2 regular app messages on your phone, it will always duplicate to a watch.


so if you were to have messages and the one that came with your phone, messaging, whatever you want to call it, one has to be fully disabled.


if you use messages, then the built in one has to be disabled. some you cannot. so simply disable it’s data in back ground mode, turn off all of it’s permissions, turn off that it can draw on top of other apps, etc. restart and this can greatly help.


when more than one messaging app (for mms or data texting, etc) is installed on the phone. It will receive that signal twice. should correct duplicates on the phone, texts, notification sent to watches, etc. good luck.

I was under the impression, that if you were to run 2 regular app messages on your phone, it will always duplicate to a watch.


so if you were to have messages and the one that came with your phone, messaging, whatever you want to call it, one has to be fully disabled.


if you use messages, then the built in one has to be disabled. some you cannot. so simply disable it’s data in back ground mode, turn off all of it’s permissions, turn off that it can draw on top of other apps, etc. restart and this can greatly help.


when more than one messaging app (for mms or data texting, etc) is installed on the phone. It will receive that signal twice. should correct duplicates on the phone, texts, notification sent to watches, etc. good luck.

I was under the impression, that if you were to run 2 regular app messages on your phone, it will always duplicate to a watch.


so if you were to have messages and the one that came with your phone, messaging, whatever you want to call it, one has to be fully disabled.


if you use messages, then the built in one has to be disabled. some you cannot. so simply disable it’s data in back ground mode, turn off all of it’s permissions, turn off that it can draw on top of other apps, etc. restart and this can greatly help.


when more than one messaging app (for mms or data texting, etc) is installed on the phone. It will receive that signal twice. should correct duplicates on the phone, texts, notification sent to watches, etc. good luck.

You should only receive a text message once no matter which app you use. It’s incoming data and once you receive it that’s it. Something must have been screwed up on the back end at T-Mobile that was causing it to duplicate them between the main number and the Digits number.  

The Digits line wasn’t properly syncing with the main number is what it appears it was.  

I had to keep pushing for them to escalate the issue to an engineer that was senior enough that they knew what they were doing.  Usually the first 2-3 levels of support you get are clueless and just tell you what is easy for them to make you go away.  You need the technical engineer that can review the infrastructure or code to figure out what is really happening (I do this for a living).  

Hopefully if you are having issues you can reference my ticket and they will fix you up!

Userlevel 6
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Hey everyone.


Sorry this is been an issue for folks but I’m curious who’s still having trouble and has filed a ticket already? That’s a good next step to get our engineers involved as @bruno8675 mentioned. I’d also like to know if folks are having the issue while using DIGITS or as a stand alone device? I just want to make sure I have a good understanding of what’s going on. 


Thank you.

Userlevel 2
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“It’s incoming data and once you receive it that’s it”


:thinking::sleepy::pensive:  Well, yea. But once the phone receives whatever, both apps, will receive that ONE sent data’/text, as one.


you might of had it fixed, does not exactly mean you know what they tweaked. “fixed”


anyways great luck to anybody else :]


Hey everyone.


Sorry this is been an issue for folks but I’m curious who’s still having trouble and has filed a ticket already? That’s a good next step to get our engineers involved as @bruno8675 mentioned. I’d also like to know if folks are having the issue while using DIGITS or as a stand alone device? I just want to make sure I have a good understanding of what’s going on. 


Thank you.

Sooo, my issue is back again.  I was OK for about 24 hours.  Then yesterday night when I went to LTE on the watch I was flooded with all the text messages from the previous 24 hours.  Can we get a senior engineer to look at this?  Weird that it was fine for a day and then started again. 

Userlevel 2
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:kissing_closed_eyes:  Like I said. lol


try this.


go where it says

Turn on chat features for the first time and see if this will correct the android phone itself. generally helps default how you receive mms and data text/pics whatever messages.


do this even if you do not use google messages. good luck :]

:kissing_closed_eyes:  Like I said. lol


try this.


go where it says

Turn on chat features for the first time and see if this will correct the android phone itself. generally helps default how you receive mms and data text/pics whatever messages.


do this even if you do not use google messages. good luck :]

I already had all that enabled. I understand what you are saying, but it doesn’t matter what I do.  I can turn off the Samsung default messaging app, disable the notifications to the watch and I will still get a duplicate text sent to the watch when it hits LTE. 

I’ve tried using the default Samsung messaging app as well.  Nothing stops it from happening, aside from the brief period yesterday when it appeared to be fixed. 

This only seems to be an issue on T-Mobile based on what I can find out there which also tells me it’s something on their side.  

Userlevel 2
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Got you, fair enough.


What you are describing, happens to me often when I switch to a different phone, with the same simcard. if I do the steps I mentioned, in hopes it would have maybe, solved yours, It has always corrected mine.

does your phone have 2 sim slots? switch it, could magically help.


Have you tried a different phone? use it for a bit, even if its crappy and see if it recreates the problem. ??

Got you, fair enough.


What you are describing, happens to me often when I switch to a different phone, with the same simcard. if I do the steps I mentioned, in hopes it would have maybe, solved yours, It has always corrected mine.

does your phone have 2 sim slots? switch it, could magically help.


Have you tried a different phone? use it for a bit, even if its crappy and see if it recreates the problem. ??

No, only 1 SIM slot.  I tried it with an old phone and I had the same issue.  I’m starting to wonder if it has something to do with it being tied to a business account.  I had to call in to get the line for the watch setup because the app would not let me auto provision it.  

Userlevel 2
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hmm, could be.

I think t mobile had or has a program where you could use 2 phones at once, with the same number? check if something like that is active, with your number. never know.
