
wrong image received through text

  • 24 January 2022
  • 1 reply


Today I texted my daughter a screenshot of an image I had taken from etsy. She received a VERY different image from the one I sent and let's just say it was not exactly PG rated. The image she received was not me, not from my camera roll and not something I have ever seen before. Further more, when I sent the same image to her again, this time it sent correctly? How could this happen? This could have potentially been a VERY embarrassing situation! 

1 reply

Thos just happened to me last night.  I sent a picture  to our family  group chat. 12 people received the picture that I actually sent. My son received an x rated pic. I called tmobile, they said to try to recreate the same scenario. Also to try to send the original  pic to just him.  Both ways I resent, they sent the correct pic. They thought it was maybe a mallard issue on his phone.  What the heck!
