T-Mobile breaking promises to seniors who were offered price-lock guarantee for life on 55+ rate plans

Userlevel 5

In 2017, I signed up for a 55+ rate plan with the assurance that my monthly rate was price-locked for life.  This incentive was a primary reason that I switched from AT&T to T-Mobile.  Now, T-Mobile is trying to raise my monthly rate by $10.00.  When I spoke to their customer service people this morning they told me that there was nothing that they could do to fix the problem.  I also noted that they changed all of the marketing information on their web site to delete all references to the price-lock guarantee which I was offered when I set up the account.  We need to find a way to complain loudly to T-Mobile about this breach of contract and breach of trust.  If we do nothing, they will raise our rates again in the future.  Let’s fight back.  Thanks for listening.

97 replies

Are you in Kentucky?  Use this to complain to the KY Attorney General…


Userlevel 1

Thanks so much KentuckyGirl. I’m in California, and have already filed a complaint with the California Attorney General. Sadly, unlike the FCC, they haven’t responded to my complaint at all.

Yesterday I had my second phone call (they called me) from T-Mobile trying to address my complaint.

I feel sorry for their customer service reps who have to deal with this stuff because I’m sure they are just nice folk trying to do the best they can with the talking points that their bosses have given them.

This rep tried to tell me that I needed to understand that prices are going up everywhere, for example, Netflix recently raised their subscription fees. I told her that I did understand that, and that the difference is that Netflix never offered me a “Price Lock Guarantee.”

I also told her that the reason that I signed up for their "Uncarrier Price Lock Guarantee" was because I knew that inflation and rising prices are an inevitable reality, and my signing up for for the "Uncarrier Price Lock Guarantee" was supposed to offer protection against that. T-Mobile's specific wording in their press release was

“New Rule:  Only YOU Should Have the Power to Change What You Pay – Introducing Un-contract for T-Mobile ONE”  (see below for full press release from 2017)


This rep also tried to tell me that the fine print in the offer that I had accepted in 2017, only promised that if T-Mobile did raise their rates, they would pay my last month of service. I told her that the offer I accepted didn’t say that, and that this idea of paying your last month of service is a new one that T-Mobile introduced in January of this year, and because they were using this fine print along with an “Unlock Promise” the Better Business Bureau has now asked them to stop advertising is as a Pricelock Guarantee


Because the offer they are currently advertising is NOT a Price Lock Guarantee

I was on an older AND CHEAPER plan, and I only agree to switch to a more expensive One Plan because I was promised that it was price locked for life.  I have filed an FCC complaint.

So, it is is happening to more than just people on the 55+ plans.

I am starting to look into the resellers like Tello, Boost, and Mint. Does anyone have any recommendations? It appears that I can get much cheaper rates based on my usage level. Perhaps T-Mobile has done some of us a favor with this price increase, as it appears that there are potentially much better options out there. 

I am starting to look into the resellers like Tello, Boost, and Mint. Does anyone have any recommendations? It appears that I can get much cheaper rates based on my usage level. Perhaps T-Mobile has done some of us a favor with this price increase, as it appears that there are potentially much better options out there. 

Tello and US Mobile are the two that I am currently looking into.

I too switched from ATT after many years after being taken on an upgrade.  Went with T-Mobile in 2021 when they’d merged with Sprint and were offering good rates with the promise of no rate change ever…..I was taught as a child the value of a promise, so I foolishly took T-Mobile at their “word”.  Like many of you Magenta plan users, I’ve had my two line rate raised by $10 per month.  Upon re-reading the “promise”, I see T-Mobile will forego or refund your last bill payment if you choose to leave due to an increase (they want 60 days notice).  What double speak—we promise not to, but if we do…..jerks!  

I will leave T-Mobile just as I left ATT when they got greedy.  Spectrum has good promo plans for mobile and after 12 months their plans are still comparable or even lower.  BTW Spectrum uses Verizon’s towers, so the coverage is good.  Oh and I will sign the complaint with the FCC.  And if a class action is initiated I’ll join that too, although I realize neither action will bring restitution in my lifetime.  Ain’t the Unethical Corporate World somethin’?  

I am testing out Visible wireless now. It is $25 a month for unlimited everything.

I too  was told  when I signed up for 55 and  over  plan 10 years ago  that  price would never increase .

So  now found out  has  gone up 12 dollars from what I had paid for the  past 10 years . 

I  called and  talked with  a  young lady who at  first seemed  to  not  know why it had increased , put me on hold a few times.

Then I was  told  could switch to  another  new  plan and it would stay at  70 dollars . I mentioned I  had  several  promotions that am still on. She  told me I would not  loose them . So I went  to  store today and  asked  same thing . I was told I would loose those promotions . I  am  currently  shopping  around for another cell phone service, since T-mobile  is  not  keeping  their promise.

I went  though several T-mobile data  breeches  and  those  breeches ruined my email account . Also even though gave  a  free  promo of  monitoring you  credit . The  scammers  are  not  going to  do  anything  until the  free service  is  stopped, which  the  free service  did end before the  scammers  did .

So  here I am  paying  more being  a loyal T-mobile  customer through  3  or 4 data  breeches , and  they  broke their promise . They  expect me to  stay  loyal still  ??

Something   is  really  wrong with this way of  doing business 

Userlevel 3

I too  was told  when I signed up for 55 and  over  plan 10 years ago  that  price would never increase .

So  now found out  has  gone up 12 dollars from what I had paid for the  past 10 years . 

I  called and  talked with  a  young lady who at  first seemed  to  not  know why it had increased , put me on hold a few times.

Then I was  told  could switch to  another  new  plan and it would stay at  70 dollars . I mentioned I  had  several  promotions that am still on. She  told me I would not  loose them . So I went  to  store today and  asked  same thing . I was told I would loose those promotions . I  am  currently  shopping  around for another cell phone service, since T-mobile  is  not  keeping  their promise.

I went  though several T-mobile data  breeches  and  those  breeches ruined my email account . Also even though gave  a  free  promo of  monitoring you  credit . The  scammers  are  not  going to  do  anything  until the  free service  is  stopped, which  the  free service  did end before the  scammers  did .

So  here I am  paying  more being  a loyal T-mobile  customer through  3  or 4 data  breeches , and  they  broke their promise . They  expect me to  stay  loyal still  ??

Something   is  really  wrong with this way of  doing business 

Bottom line… T-Mobile Sierra Uniform Charlie Kilo Sierra !!!

Hi All, I live in Washington State, corporate home of T-Mobil.  I sent a complaint to the state’s attorney general about the increase in the rate for the 55+ plan and the broken corporate promise never to raise rates.  The complaint qualified for their “informal” dispute resolution process, meaning they couldn’t do anything legally, but forwarded my complaint to T-Mobil.  I received a call today from a corporate spokesman to talk about the referral from the AG’s office.  I spoke to a very accomplished customer service person, who listened to my complaint (for me it wasn’t as much the $10 per month increase, but the broken promise of never raising rates).  He heard me out, wasn’t defensive, and indicated that the plan I signed up for in 2017 was not the price lock guarantee plan, but rather a different plan, which, like all of you, wasn’t my understanding.  He made sure I knew he wasn’t a decision maker about changing my monthly charge, but would take it up the corporate ladder.  I noted to him that TM has had record corporate profits in 2024, which just makes this even more maddening.  I also made sure he knew about this chat group and suggested he read the comments.  I’m not seeing any desire to change this plan back to the original, promised rates.  My next thought is to contact AT&T, Verizon, and Xfinity to suggest that if they offered the same TM plan at the original $30 per line, they would probably get a lot of converts.  Bet someone could come up with a really effective marketing campaign about how TM bait-and-switched us and broke the promise.

Userlevel 5

I live in South Carolina.  I have submitted complaints to both the FCC, the SC Consumer Affairs Dept, and the SC Attorney General.  I have received responses from all of them.  Basically, all of these organizations say they have no legal means of requiring T-Mobile to do anything.  When I heard from the SC Consumer Affairs and the FCC, they both had heard from T-Mobile and sent me a “we received a satisfactory response from T-Mobile” letter.  I responded that the T-Mobile response was blowing smoke and contained lies about my plan.  Both FCC and Consumer Affairs offered to send my rebuttal to T-Mobile and see what happens.  I haven’t heard from the second round.  I see online that my next bill will contain the increase.  I’m going to try to obtain a copy of any original paperwork that I signed when I originally set up the plan with them.  News at 11.

We all need to vote with our feet. The MVNA’s seem to have the best prices. 

i also just filed a complaint with the fcc before i found this thread,  i hate bait and switch as much as i dislike lthis new ceo---he needs to go


Userlevel 3

i also just filed a complaint with the fcc before i found this thread,  i hate bait and switch as much as i dislike lthis new ceo---he needs to go


If we ALL that got affected by T-Mobile’s “Breach of Contract” complain to the FCC, your state AG, the BBB, you state Senators, etc; Justice Will Be Served !!!

Userlevel 5

You’re much more trusting of government agencies than I am. 
Besides, I’m coming to the conclusion that if a company has to be forced to keep their word, maybe I should just vote with my feet. 

Userlevel 3

You’re much more trusting of government agencies than I am. 
Besides, I’m coming to the conclusion that if a company has to be forced to keep their word, maybe I should just vote with my feet. 

I am just like you, a realist - everybody is “in bed with everybody” and WE (the People) mean very little to the government (except for paying taxes) and to big corporations.  Even though the probability of any government agency (say the FCC) bringing a case against T-Mobile may be .000000001, it is not ZERO - maybe Lady Luck would be on our side this time. Regards.

Userlevel 5

Just a quick note to let all know that I’ve pulled the trigger.  I am in the process of awaiting the arrival of two sim cards from Patriot Mobile.  When I get them, I’ll activate my service for my wife and me.  I wish you all the best in your dispute with T-Mobile.  I have decided that it is their lack of integrity as a company that is most important to me.  I told one of the reps I spoke to that if T-Mobile offered me free service for life, I would not take it.  At my age, I can choose who I deal with and why I deal with them.  Honesty and integrity have gone out the window for T-Mobile.  

Take care,  and good luck!

Just a quick note to let all know that I’ve pulled the trigger.  I am in the process of awaiting the arrival of two sim cards from Patriot Mobile.  When I get them, I’ll activate my service for my wife and me.  I wish you all the best in your dispute with T-Mobile.  I have decided that it is their lack of integrity as a company that is most important to me.  I told one of the reps I spoke to that if T-Mobile offered me free service for life, I would not take it.  At my age, I can choose who I deal with and why I deal with them.  Honesty and integrity have gone out the window for T-Mobile.  

Take care,  and good luck!

If you don’t mind checking back in here I would love to hear how it goes with Patriot Mobile. 

File the complaint with the FCC using the link provided in one of the posts. It was easy. Maybe the FCC can pressure them to honor their promise and a lawyer will pick this up and file a class action suit. 

When I called, the agent tried to get me to change and then offered to pay the lasylt month if I chose to leave. The minute I do that, I break the contract and cannot hold them to their contract going forward. I will hold out, pay my bill so their is no lapse and hope the FCC and or a lawyer can help hold them accountable. 

Userlevel 5

Just a quick note to let all know that I’ve pulled the trigger.  I am in the process of awaiting the arrival of two sim cards from Patriot Mobile.  When I get them, I’ll activate my service for my wife and me.  I wish you all the best in your dispute with T-Mobile.  I have decided that it is their lack of integrity as a company that is most important to me.  I told one of the reps I spoke to that if T-Mobile offered me free service for life, I would not take it.  At my age, I can choose who I deal with and why I deal with them.  Honesty and integrity have gone out the window for T-Mobile.  

Take care,  and good luck!

If you don’t mind checking back in here I would love to hear how it goes with Patriot Mobile. 

Will do!

Userlevel 5

File the complaint with the FCC using the link provided in one of the posts. It was easy. Maybe the FCC can pressure them to honor their promise and a lawyer will pick this up and file a class action suit. 

When I called, the agent tried to get me to change and then offered to pay the lasylt month if I chose to leave. The minute I do that, I break the contract and cannot hold them to their contract going forward. I will hold out, pay my bill so their is no lapse and hope the FCC and or a lawyer can help hold them accountable. 

I filed with the FCC weeks ago.  Also with my state Dept. of Consumer Affairs and AG.  All of them are responsive, but they all say they’re simply acting as a “go between”.  They forward the complaint to T-Mobile, then T-Mobile is required to respond to them and the complainer.  The responses have been mostly lying and blowing smoke … which the agencies see as a reasonable reply.  They’ll end up doing nothing.  As for a class action suit, the attorneys will be the ones who make the $$, and we consumers will get a check for $22.58.  In the end, T-Mobile lied to us, and … at least for me … I’ve decided that is enough to make up my mind.  I’ll let all know how my service with Patriot Mobile is, but the process of moving my phone and phone number so far has been wonderful.  I’ll receive sim cards later this week, and I’ll activate my phones.  At that point, I’ll contact T-Mobile to request that they credit the final monthly bill.  I’ve already stopped the “autopay”.  Good luck to all, and I’ll post a “review” on this forum later.


T-Mobile did NOT keep its word regarding my plan. I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile's 55+ Plan IN 2018 which GUARANTEED that the rate would NEVER increase while I had this plan. T-Mobile broke the agreement by raising my monthly fee by $10. I am thoroughly disgusted by T-Mobile's action which shows the company's untrustworthiness and betrayal towards its customers many of whom have this same plan and also have complained to T-Mobile. T-Mobile only needs to check its Community site to see the reactions of many of these dissatisfied customers. Shame on T-Mobile. Shame on those T-Mobile individuals who decided to betray their customers.
