
Can't receive calls with 5g enabled

  • 10 February 2023
  • 9 replies


I have a Samsung S21 5G, for the last few months I can no longer receive calls unless I disable 5G.  Any incoming calls go directly to voicemail!  I was told by T-Mobile support months ago that this was a network issue and they were working on it.  How long are they going to “work on it” before they fix it?  What is the point of paying for 5G when you can’t use it?

Maybe T-Mobile should stop buying other cellular companies and fix their network first!  With all the advertising about their magnificent 5G coverage, perhaps the FTC should look into the deceptive advertising exhibited here.

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

its deceptive because your current area is having issues? have you traveled the U.S and found this to be the issue everywhere you went? wish i had that type of money..all i can afford is to be in my location pulling in…


594 Mbps down and

39.9 Mbps up…

deceptive advertising indeed… cant believe im pulling in these shoddy speeds while inside of a warehouse..



for what its worth..lets say you buy another you think you just jump onto their network they used? nope..gotta upgrade all of their towers to work the same as yours..which crazy as it sounds takes a LOT of time to do ..






Thank you for a useless post.  I was told by T-Mobile that it would be fixed very shortly, were you hired to offer excuses for them?  Since you did nothing to solve my problem, what was the purpose of your post?

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

the purpose was trying to figure out how their deceptive advertising is affecting everyone and not just you in your area with your tower issues.


It’s not a tower issue, at least according to T-Mobile.  They said they’re having problems with the 5G operation and I’d have to turn it off to resolve the issue for a short while.  That was around six months ago!  As long as I don’t want to get any calls, I can use the 5G just fine, I get around 450mb/45mb with 5G here in my basement.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

does it get any better once you leave the are by say 5+ miles in any direction?..actually if youre area had quite a few Sprint towers that might actually be the case..all those towers must be converted over to TMO towers and or eliminated from use if theyre overlapping to much onto existing TMO towers etc..



when you get 5G does it by chance say UC or SA next to the 5G part? seem to run across a lot of complaints with the 5G UC/SA and Samsung devices for some reason.


worst case you can switch your phone to 4G only and bypass 5G for now so the phone isnt trying to search out 5G and run into issues..technically youre only paying for data whether it be 5G or area had upgrades going on and i just switched to 4G only so i had full no issue service and checked randomly to see if things improved or not..4G speeds wont be quite as good but there are more people out there connected to 5G over 4G so the 4G traffic should be less than usual.


The only solution I’ve found is switching to 4G, so much for the attraction of 5G.🙄


I have this issue over a few states, so it’s not a local issue.  I did see UC or SA at times, but it didn’t seem to make any difference if they were indicated or not.  My guess is I’ll probably consider going back to Verizon, they were always good, but they were more expensive.  We’ll see if I can beat a good deal out of them.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

the ol lady is still with Verizon and im with TMO..we thought about joining one way or another but there are a ton of places my phone works great and hers does not and vice this point we have yet to run into any places at least one of us has reception. it took i would say a year ish or more before i started seeing decent 5G speeds in my area..didnt have 5G with Sprint before the merger and what TMO had im at what i posted above..inside of a warehouse surrounded by signal killing everything lol. was your phone purchased from TMO or brought over from V?


I’ve bought my last two phones from T-Mobile, so they can’t use that as an excuse.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

no worries.. wanted to make sure in case you needed to make some changes to your APN settings.
