Since Memorial weekend, is taking 2min. To load, instead of less than 1 sec.
All other pages on this web site, and all other websites, load normally. This page also loads normally if access to the Internet is not via T-Mobile.
The web page used to load normally, and was not changed. Now it, and previous versions, take 2-min. To load.
I am really puzzled by this; it is as if T-M made a network change over Memorial weekend that caused some html code on this page to execute extremely slowly., but this seems pretty unlikely.
I tried multiple times to get chat and voice support from T-Mobile, but it was hard to get them to understand that this was a network issue; they kept going to the checklist for a problem with a phone, SIM, account, etc. I could barely understand the last one due to her thick accent, poor diction, and people talking in the background. She eventually cut me off and did not call back.
I am hoping I might get some ideas from this user community; there are clearly many knowledgeable, intelligent an logical people here.