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Connected to wi-fi, but "no internet"

  • 12 September 2022
  • 1 reply

HELP! I’ve had many connection issues since signing up with T-Mobile Home Internet. I have a new Chromebook that says it’s connected to my T-Mobile Wi-Fi, and that the signal is strong, yet when I try to open any web page on the internet, I get the “sad face” icon that says “no internet connection.” I’ve been trying to resolve this issue for hours now, and I’m unable to do it! Can anyone help? When I run the diagnostic tool, the following appears; WARNING; Local Network Can’t contact gateway, WARNING; Name Resolution Can’t resolve DNS from Android apps, PASSED; Wi-Fi,  FAILED; Internet Connectivity Can’t connect through firewall to HTTPS websites 

1 reply

I too am having the same issue.  I was hoping posting here would help.  My chromebook is a few years old yet it was working fine until now.  

