
gateway place on desk(to close to me?) and should I use Ethernet port to connect to laptop instead of wireless.

  • 13 January 2023
  • 1 reply


1. should i use the gateway ethernet connection directly to my laptop(i have ethernet port available on laptop) 2. is it safe to put gateway on my desktop next to me (radiation) thanks.

1 reply


Ethernet typically provides the fastest speeds (up to 1 Gbps).  Wi-Fi 6 is capable of 1.2 Gbps and above with 2x2 MIMO or 4x4 MIMO which your laptop might not have.  Strong cellular signal strength is critical to achieving 1+ Gbps speeds (wired or wireless) with broadcast internet service.

Radio waves at low power are not known to be hazardous to humans so yes, it’s safe to place your gateway next to you.  That’s where I have mine.
