
Wifi extenders

  • 8 January 2021
  • 29 replies


Can someone help me out.  Can anyone refer me to what kind of wifi extender I should be looking for.  Sorry. Not very computer literate much less wifi. I was looking at the eero mesh wifi router on Amazon, but before I spend that much money on something I want to make sure it would work with TMobiles wifi.  Cannot find any info about this eero mesh. Any help or suggestions for other systems is greatly appreciated.


29 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

You want to use as few extenders as possible. Every one slows your network down.


Is there a specific type of extender that is compatible? I was told to make sure they were compatible. No idea where to even start to verify that.

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Personally, i would just disable the WiFi from the T-Mobile modem and use a good router, like an Asus RT-AX86U in Access Point Mode, to have better, stronger, and faster WiFi by connecting it to the ethernet port on the modem.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

You’re welcome to use one of these WiFi devices but I’d be careful as their not devices we can guarantee it’ll work. What T-Mobile can do is file Service Complaint with our engineering team to look into the coverage in your area for fixes and updates.


You’re welcome to use one of these WiFi devices but I’d be careful as their not devices we can guarantee it’ll work. What T-Mobile can do is file Service Complaint with our engineering team to look into the coverage in your area for fixes and updates.

And how would I go about doing that? Last night at around midnight, almost every single night, the 2.4 & 5.0 completely disconnects and the only way to reconnect is by unplugging everything. And tech support wants me to hard reset as thecanswer to everything. I have already done that 4 times. Still same issues Totally frustrated.

Userlevel 1

You’re welcome to use one of these WiFi devices but I’d be careful as their not devices we can guarantee it’ll work. What T-Mobile can do is file Service Complaint with our engineering team to look into the coverage in your area for fixes and updates.

@tmo_mike_c  do you know if T-Mobile will be making TM branded Nokia Beacons available at some point to provide a native, supported mesh WiFi solution? Nokia WiFi Beacon 6 | Home WiFi | Nokia

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

You’re welcome to use one of these WiFi devices but I’d be careful as their not devices we can guarantee it’ll work. What T-Mobile can do is file Service Complaint with our engineering team to look into the coverage in your area for fixes and updates.

@tmo_mike_c  do you know if T-Mobile will be making TM branded Nokia Beacons available at some point to provide a native, supported mesh WiFi solution? Nokia WiFi Beacon 6 | Home WiFi | Nokia

That’s a great question @Stephen570 . I don’t have any info if we’ll get a T-Mobile branded version. With growing popularity, it’s something we can look into if the demand is there and if we see this as benefit for our customers. Thanks for posting.


Just looking on Facebook, instagram, and here the demand is there! T-Mobile should jump on this and capitalize. A mesh router system that's sold with the Nokia would be awesome!

Userlevel 2

I’m currently using 3 TP-Link Deco M9 Plus mesh routers connected to my T-Mobile 5G gateway. They used to be connected to a cable modem when I got internet via cable. I just unplugged the main router from the cable modem and plugged it into the gateway, rebooted it, and everything connected as before with minimal effort. With about 30 devices on my network, it was a relief to not have to reconnect each one to a new WI-Fi host.

Userlevel 2

I’m using the eero mesh system. The first eero is connected to the T-Mobile gateway via ethernet cable. The remaining eero’s are all wireless spaced to provide max coverage to my property. I placed the eero network into bridge mode to prevent double NAT. So far, all is working fine.  Be sure to name your eero mesh WiFi network differently from the gateway’s built in WiFi network.  This will prevent your devices from accidentally connecting directly to the gateway wifi (which defeats using the mesh set up). 

Userlevel 2

The woman tech I talked to said that any Wifi extender is fine and that there’s nothing to worry about and that they strongly recommend using a Wifi extender so this information is misleading.

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

Would second the recommendation to use a quality Asus router connected to the TMO unit viaethernet and disabling the TMO wifi.


My first gen AC router from them can still crank 2.4g wifi to the Walmart parking lot about a block away at full power.  At half power, the 5g band hits the central mailbox 3 doors down (live in a condo complex, router is on 2nd floor).  That thing is 7 or 8 years old, and STILL running strong.


The Netgear Nighthawks have pretty solid wifi on them as well.

Userlevel 1

Personally, i would just disable the WiFi from the T-Mobile modem and use a good router, like an Asus RT-AX86U in Access Point Mode, to have better, stronger, and faster WiFi by connecting it to the ethernet port on the modem.

I can connect the asus to the nokia but I am not sure which settings to toggle off on the TMobilw gui. I can’t seem to access the Asus gui now.

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

Need to know which IP it is using.  Depending on the mode it is running in, it is either acting as the gateway for your devices, or as basically a switch with it's own sort of "sideline" IP addresss.


Check the network config of a device connected to find it's gateway address, and try connecting to that in a browser.

For example, on a Windows system, can open a command prompt window and run the command "ipconfig"... running "ipconfig /all" will give even more detail.

Hitting this address in a browser should prompt you for a login, either for the router or the modem, depending on how things are setup.

If it is the Asus, done and done.  If it is the TMO modem, then login to it and check the connected clients list to see what IP got assigned to the Asus and use that IP instead.

Userlevel 2

If your already getting a good to a very good signal then you don’t need one only add the WiFi extender If your getting a very poor signal otherwise just leave It alone.

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Most replies are recommending a mesh network addon rather than a Wi-Fi extender.   

With an extender, you almost always must use a different SSID than the Gateway.   If you have more than one extender, then as you move around the house you have to manually connect to the SSID in that part of the house.

With a mesh network, moving around the house allows your device to seamlessly connect to the strongest signal.

Wi-Fi Range Extender vs. Mesh Network: What's the Difference? | PCMag

This article also recommends a few extenders if you choose to go that way.

Userlevel 3
Badge +13

I second the opinion of anyone who suggests using a mesh Wi-Fi router system. If you’ve got T-Mobile’s home Internet then putting the gateway and Wi-Fi off mode and the routers and access point mode is going to give you the best benefit. When not using T-Mobile home Internet and perhaps using a regular cable ISP, you’ll definitely get better performance with a mesh system.

Userlevel 1

I got a tp-link AC1200 (RE300) to work in the den. The n/w names have _ext after them but it is ok for that room. The AT&T streaming tv works now. $34.99 on Amazon.

I got a tp-link AC1200 (RE300) to work in the den. The n/w names have _ext after them but it is ok for that room. The AT&T streaming tv works now. $34.99 on Amazon.

Is this connected to the cylinder Gateway or the square white LTE gateway?

Userlevel 1

It's not connected to the gateway physically. It's plugged into a wall outlet between the gateway snd the detached den and office.

Hi - I’m new to this thread, and only just hooked up my gateway a few days ago.  I have great speeds on wi-fi, but upload drops to almost zero when I connect the gateway to my computer via ethernet.  I also have an Eero mesh system that I’d like to connect but simply plugging the Tmobile gateway into the Eero doesn’t work.  I’m unaware of any settings that I can/should set by logging into the gateway, or adjusting in the Eero settings.

Any suggestions are much appreciated.  (T-Mobile has no idea either, and they are sending me a new gateway, but I wonder if it is a settings issue rather than a hardware issue)


I haven’t had a problem hooking up any wifi 6 extender, my problem is I’ve tried various ones and only get from 80 to 100 on my downloads even when going through another router connected to the T-mobile router, direct connect through wifi or ethernet I’m getting 400 to 550+ on my downloads. Its throttling when connected to another device.

Okay.  I have Google Home connected to my T-Mobile Gateway.  Also, connected to my Google Home are two mini nests, both are in upstair’s bedrooms.  One of the Google minis keeps disconnecting from the wifi.  What would be the best solution to keep it connected?  A wifi extender?

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Okay.  I have Google Home connected to my T-Mobile Gateway.  Also, connected to my Google Home are two mini nests, both are in upstair’s bedrooms.  One of the Google minis keeps disconnecting from the wifi.  What would be the best solution to keep it connected?  A wifi extender?

I would first rule out a malfunctioning device (since you say that the issue is happening to just one of your Minis). Try placing the misbehaving Mini closer to the gateway, and see if you are still experiencing disconnections. Next, see if switching with the other device gives you the same result.

Also, is there a chance that you can change the location of the gateway? In my case, putting it in one of the bedrooms that is closer to the center of our house makes a huge difference in signal quality and reach.

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

I am using a BrosTrend AC1200 WiFi Extender, my back door camera was losing connection and I also need to use a RJ45 connection  for my home security system. it uses a EXT after the 5 or 2.4 so you have to connect to it if you are moving a laptop around but for a fix item it works well. My house is a ranch about 2200 with a basement. the gateway is on one end of the house and the extender is on the opposite end of the house.
