
International plan

  • 21 June 2022
  • 2 replies


Heading to Europe in July to end of Sept...Want to use my US phone to make calls from Europe, locally & stateside.  What program works best for this situation?   Do I add international call plan or another program?  Is T mobile associated with TIM, Italian phone carrier? 


2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

This link should help but @drnewcomb probably can help you more.

International travel

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I’d suggest that you use an inordinate amount of cellular data between now and when you depart for Europe. Excess roaming warnings are triggered by the ratio of on-network to roaming data used. If you run up the on-network usage, you forestall the warnings. Also, for trips longer than about two weeks, I’d get a local SIM for data. What phone(s) do you have? If you have a phone with eSIM or dual-SIM capability or a good spare phone you can run the local SIM for data and just use T-Mobile for voice and texts.

AFAIK, TIM is not a T-Mobile company.
