
Google blocking search

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The issue seems to be slowly getting worse for my area at least.  Google isn’t even accepting the CAPTHA verification on a couple of my devices.  I just recorded 6 minutes of CAPTHA entries (motorcycles, crosswalks, traffic lights, stairs, and busses) and still couldn’t get into a normal Google search.  Finally gave up….   

Userlevel 1

So, so tired of this. We all know TMo doesn’t care at all about anything other than getting our $50 every month, but seriously? Two months?

I'm getting the same issue in the last 3 days


@HeavenM is there anything additional we as customers can be doing to get this escalated? Twitter posts, etc to make t-mobile publicly acknowledge it’s a growing problem for their customers?

Userlevel 1

Just here for my weekly check in. No improvements whatsoever since we first started dealing with this over a month ago.

Adding my name to the list of complaints. Been going on for months and I’m tired of it. Thinking of switching.

Has anyone also had issues with doing Walmart pick up orders and being cancelled due to this same concept?? Really regretting this all around now. 

Here in North Florida this started for us about 3 days ago, only a few days after we switched to T-mobile 5g internet.

this is extremely frustrating and we love the internet service and don’t want to go back to Xfinity, please get this fixed!  It happens on iPhone, iPad, and wind based computers.

Same here.  Switched from AT&T cellular and Internet.  Were long time T-Mobile cellular customers and were hooked into switching to AT&T.  Finally got back with T-Mobile cellular and moved to their 5G Internet.  Other than the captcha page coming up, it’s been fine.  The captcha issue is a pain for sure.

Same scenario here for the last couple weeks. I’m in Gainesville, FL and both my cell phone, computer and girlfriend’s phone get the Captcha request. I’m hoping we can get this fixed very soon as i work from home. I’ve also restarted the router a few times.

I have DMed HeavenM already, but chiming in with the same issue for the past few days. 


Userlevel 1

It’s Monday, guess what…. It’s STILL not fixed!

Same problem here in lower Alabama.  They need to fix their IP address issue! It is affecting my home devices.

We are on the New Orleans network also.  You would think they would figure this out! 😠 It is interrupting my google display search also.

Userlevel 1

Same issue here and is getting aggravating :( 

We’re way beyond aggravating,

We’re past ridiculous,

We’re into negligence territory.


Same issue from Meraux, LA (New Orleans area). Happening on an iPhone and MacBook Pro. 

Is this still happening for anyone else?  Its been 2 weeks of this now and I am unable to use search bars on some websites now because they are google based.  Any solution???

Same issue on mobile phone. Searches or Google home page returns the same captcha message everyone else has quoted. Started on Aug 26 23


Userlevel 1

Update from T-Force for those interested:

“…., but I’m glad we were able to confirm that it’sh not something to do with your Home Internet account and that both our teams and Google is aware of this happening!”

There has to be more to this than Google. Somehow there is a disconnect where Google security sees T-Mobile connections as a threat and T-Mobile needs to take a lead to fix it rather than toss out a not-my-problem statement.  Let’s get this moving before customers start moving to new services.  

This issue is happening in Louisiana, for me the IP’s that are having the issue are all on the 172.59.104.xx subnet. Called and was told it is an issue with google, but google will not resolve the issue and says its tmobile. This morning I could not even get to this tmobile community site without the use of my vpn.

Userlevel 1

….Called and was told it is an issue with google, but google will not resolve the issue and says its tmobile….


I can’t see how T-Mobile can blame Google for the issue when my neighbors all use the internet from different providers (Verizon included) without issue.  If it’s only happening with T-Mobile, then they have to get their IP locations corrected.

….Called and was told it is an issue with google, but google will not resolve the issue and says its tmobile….


I can’t see how T-Mobile can blame Google for the issue when my neighbors all use the internet from different providers (Verizon included) without issue.  If it’s only happening with T-Mobile, then they have to get their IP locations corrected.

I agree but I’m not going to argue with someone in a call center, those ppl are just reading from a script and have no troubleshooting or tech abilities.

@HeavenM, can you provide any updates to this issue? Seems this is still a very active issue that is not being handled (or at the very least properly communicated) by T-Mobile. What is being done to rectify this?

I have the same issue as well; but I noticed its only happening on my T-Link Deco Mesh W3600, when I swap over to the T-Mobile Wifi network then it’s working just fine.  I did a factory reset on the Deco’s they worked fine over night then started having the same issue again. 

Seems to finally be resolved for me.
