Keep and Switch Fraud

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I’m having the same problem. I tried to submit the rebate online for 4 lines and it said I wasn’t eligible. I called customer service and they submitted the claim for me and gave me a tracking number. The tracker showed I was approved but when I went back to check the next week, the page gave an error saying no promotion found. I called customer service and they said they would send a card in the mail because the website had an issue and didn’t produce a virtual card. Waited 2 weeks nothing happened called back and they never submitted for the card to be sent so they said they had to do it again. I don’t understand what the issue is. I should have stayed with Verizon 

Anyone else having trouble with TMobile meeting it’s promises. Three attempts now to be reimbursed for iPhone through keep and switch program. I guess they think you will just forget about what they promise you to get you to switch from AT&T. Just a new form of Corporate hot checks….. worst customer service I believe we have experienced…

I am having the same problem I called to sign up for home Internet and when asked which phone carrier I was with he proceeded to try and offer me a better deal if I switched to t mobile I was offered the 200 prepaid card plus an extra 100 one because he kept running into issues and ended up like 2 hours on the phone doing this. Anyways my monthly bill was supposed to be 156 for 3 lines and my home internet. Well it's over 200 and T-Mobile is saying that there is no way they can give me that deal. I ported 3 numbers  from cricket and signed a contract for 2 free phones and a free tablet that aren't really free I don't know what to do. I was switching internet cuz I was trying to cut my bills to make ends meet and ended up paying double what I was on my phones.

Scam don’t switch you will losses your current credit that you are getting now i am gone thru this process lost $2400 had to paid verizon to pay off device agreement 

T-Mobile Keep & Switch is nothing but a FRAUD. I went to the Tmobile store with a friend and regrettably decided to switch from Verizon to Tmobile upon hearing about the keep and switch promotion. I paid over $1200/final bill to get out of the contract with Verizon with the FALSE promise that Tmobile would reimburse a portion of it. It's been almost 5months and I still have not received the $832 rebate. I have uploaded and emailed documents over 5times and told by customer service that everything is good, only to call back wks after to be told that the submission was denied and I have to wait another 15-30days!! SCAM!!!  Customer Service is very poor, no one follows up!  Would not recommend anyone to Tmobile! 

class action at hand,,

what part of the program have they not followed through on. kind of hard to give any help if we are unaware of what was not completed.

They have refused to honor the promises they made prior to switching. I have reached out on the phone and through email to have my reimbursements processed 5-6 times - on the phone for about 2 hours each time to get no where. Now, they are stating we have to wait 2 years to switch from the last time - I was never provided that information initially prior to switching.

Yep, it’s now October and I first submitted in June. First it was that I didn’t submit the correct documentation. Then it was that I missed the 90 day submission window (due to all of the improper denials), now it’s that I used to have Sprint (I did….10 years ago before they were tied to T Mobile, I previously had Verizon for 10 years). The funny thing? My ex husband and I both switched from Verizon to T Mobile at the same time into order to separate out accounts. His submission for reimbursement of payments on his phone (about $180) got approved immediately, and here I am 4 months later and 8 calls later still waiting on my ($350) rebate. Total scam. Every time I call they tell me the previous denial was a mistake and this time I’ll get it and they’ll call me personally in 2 weeks to make sure I get it but nope, never happens. Really wishing I didn’t switch….

Userlevel 3

T-Mobile Keep & Switch is nothing but a FRAUD. I went to the Tmobile store with a friend and regrettably decided to switch from Verizon to Tmobile upon hearing about the keep and switch promotion. I paid over $1200/final bill to get out of the contract with Verizon with the FALSE promise that Tmobile would reimburse a portion of it. It's been almost 5months and I still have not received the $832 rebate. I have uploaded and emailed documents over 5times and told by customer service that everything is good, only to call back wks after to be told that the submission was denied and I have to wait another 15-30days!! SCAM!!!  Customer Service is very poor, no one follows up!  Would not recommend anyone to Tmobile! 

Same here! 

Yup, seem more and more like a fraud. First they promised 2 rebates, keep and switch and 200.00 for each number brought over. I've submitted documents 3x and keep getting the run around. Now I'm told I have to pick snd choose which rebate I want. I'm still not any closer to getting my final device paid off. 


        The pushy telesales person "gifted" me 2 timex watches not telling me that it's an extra 20.00 per line witdevice insurance on both, it jacked my bill up 55.00 extra go with the extra 20.00 line for the Samsung pad" also gifted" to me. I didn't want any of this stuff.....I just wanted to change carriers. 

       Switches beware of t-mobile's "FREE GIFTS"

Does anyone know of anyone who has had a good experience with the Keep and Switch program?

Took awhile, but T-Mobile wired my 2 phones (Spectrum) reimbursement ($758.24), good folks.


The store employees sold me a SyncUp Drive November 5th by assuring me the monthly bill would be $5. Actually the monthly service is $15. The store employees refuse to take the device on return because I did not find out the actual cost until 18 days. The employees are not helpful at all. I called your store before I had to go out of state for medical treatments on November 17 and told them my bill reflected a $15 month fee. The Lady I talked to assured me they would correct the bill before it was sent to me. Today the three of them state the service is $5per month. They refuse to allow a return because they state their store will not accept a return beyond 14 days. This is absolutely ridiculous. I am SOOOO sorry that I ever got involved with T Mobile and especially the Branson Missouri Store. I have contacted T-Mobile CS and they assure me your store should accept the return. T-Mobile CS is going to contact you and address this. I know it is tough to get good employees. I will never again purchase from your Branson store and assure you I will spread the word.


On November 21 I filed a complaint with the BBB about your little scam of incorrectly quoting monthly rates. Today I will be contacting the Missouri Attorney General and our local news channel KY3 and report the details of your scam to get additional equipment sold. I will also be starting a campaign on social media about you and your store employees. Your Google reviews are quite helpful to gather a large group of people to complain about your activities. You are a thief and will answer to it!



I was also denied. This is a scam. After having a store rep personally walk me through the process of checking eligibility, and helping me pay off three Iphone 12’s with ATT ($1500), the rep showed me how to take screen shots of the confirmations and told me the website to send them to. I did everything that was asked.

During this whole exercise I was constantly being skeptical, asking how this deal was possible, what are the catches, how does t-mobile make money, ect.  I was thoroughly comforted throughout the whole process by the rep even though I was clearly nervous to spend all of that money at once to pay off the phones.

Then a week later I checked the website and I was DENIED!   The entire reason I went to T-Mobile is because of this promotion.  Beware! It is a shameless scam to get you in the door.  I am marching myself to the store today to confront the employee, and talk to his manager. If they refuse to honor this deal, I am cancelling my contract and leaving bad reviews on every site.    I can’t believe the FTC lets them get away with that.

Userlevel 7
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Anyone got resolved their issues regarding this KEEP and Switch? 

what part of the program have they not followed through on. kind of hard to give any help if we are unaware of what was not completed.

No reimbursement since November 22 

I have been on the phone at the store and promised payment with hours of trying to get a check any way electronic mail however I’m really thinking of taking you to small claims court just to make a plant because $1500 is a lot of money to me. It is a lot of lying and running around to your customers and it is not fair and it’s illegal really

I am having same issue paid of my ATT 4 phone total 3400, and now I submitted claim twice and they keep asking for different bills. first they said submit the bill which shows the balance, than they said submit which shows balance paid off

everyone complain to FTC, I had to do same in past for ATT

Same frustrations- I feel I was totally defrauded and scammed by T-Mobile on their Rebate switch process. I paid 2 iPhones off, paid my final bill, submitted all documentations and got denied. The Texas Attorney General should file suite as he has a good record beating fraudulent Companies and the Federal Government. Total Scam.

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

what part of the program have they not followed through on. kind of hard to give any help if we are unaware of what was not completed.

wish i had seen this thread earlier. This switching promo seems to be a scam by tmobile. I would have never switched to tmobile if I knew of this.

T-Mobile Bait & Switch -

So I switched my phones from AT&T to T-Mobile with the promise that the phone that I paid off, I would receive you as a promotional reimbursement.  This was at the end of March 2024.    No one mentioned that I needed to print the AT&T bill that showed the balance.  When I paid off the phone, I submitted the receipt amount that I paid. In the receipt it clearly states“ installment plan paid in full”.

but they denied the payment saying they needed to see the last bill.  I am no longer a customer of AT&T and the bill history is not available to me.

I was also told that I would get a $200 promotional rebate for boarding in my numbers.  Which was denied, Because I applied for the keeping switch.  Convenient.


Very shady.



We’ve have the same issue, Keep&Switch continues to tell us every month the problem is resolved and they gaurentee “this time” I will receive my virtual cards… We call them again and then the same response is given, “we assure you this was not your fault and we are here to help, we promise/gaurentee this will not happen again and you will receive them” I get confirmation numbers and names and yet T-Mobile will do nothing to resolve these issues? I go into the store and they can’t help since it’s a promotion and they send me back to the online service. 

I have tried and tried without any resolution to get them to resolve my cell phone coverage. They state and the WEBSITE COVERAGE MAP  states that I have 4G and 5G extended service at my address. NOT SO! I have ZERO cell phone reception. Not even 1 bar on 4G. I just keep getting told over and over again for months now that they are working on the tower. ( A lot of good that did me the other night in a snow storm of 20 inches my phone only comes in over my WiFi and I lost that! ) So if I needed help, I was out of luck to say the least! 

It's funny though that my neighbors that live close to me have Verizon and or AT&T and their coverage is superb!

They claim to be of the best for coverage, but NOPE! NOT TRUE TO THEIR WORD AT ALL! 

So basically, I can only use my cell phone over the WiFi. Why am I paying them monthly (T-Mobile)  again? Oh yeah, I totally forgot,  I can drive 30 miles to the city and maybe connect to cell coverage and use it there once every year or so!!!  

Today they tried to have me buy a WiFi hotspot to use. I told the ( very nice by the way gentleman, Harris ) I'm already paying monthly for NO SERVICE and now you want me to pay for you to send me a WiFi hotspot on top of that so I can have the service you promised? 



I just sent an email to our ATTORNEY GENERAL for the State of CT.  He actually had a small segment on last week about all of the problems with cell phone carriers and said to reach out to him with any ongoing problems. 

So if any of you are in CT. Give him a shout out that you are having problems.  🙂

I am so OVER paying out money for companies that don't hold up on there morals, values, and promises! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!


I switched from Verizon on July 4, 2023. I submitted for reimbursement on July 5th. Got my virtual card yesterday July 19th. It took 15 days and was all set. I sent screenshots of current Verizon bill and device pay out. That was it. I don’t know what you all did wrong?

I am a victim of this promotion as well.  I’ve been told that my submission is “complete” and perfect but today I received a denied message, right at the 8 week mark.  The message says I was denied because the iPhone 13 is not a device that met the promotion requirement.  

This really need to be escalated.  Frankly I think the promotion was too good to be true but still, if it is, then don’t make the promise!  

I submitted Keep and switch, $200 promo and $150 magenta max promo , when I ported my number from Verizon to TMO at Costco Kiosk (T-Mobile owned). Looks like none of these promo are stackable eventhough that is how they are promoting these at Costco Kiosk with banners clearly saying you can combine them. Today my rebates got denied since these are not stackable, though previous customer representative and store mentioned otherwise.
