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Netflix Issue

I was trying to set up the free Netflix. I added Netflix as a service, but it wouldn't load past that, so I assumed I could just go back in and create my Netflix account, and closed the page. However, I can't see a way to create an account now. So, I have the service added to my T-Mobile account but can't actually use it. Anyone know how to help? Thank you in advance

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

This link may help you.

Netflix On Us

Userlevel 4

Just wanted to check and see if the link Gramps provided helped! 😊


Userlevel 4

Hey there! Did you still need any help with this?

No, his point (and the same issue I am facing) was that they give you only once chance to establish the handshake between T-Mobile and Netflix. The help page link is not helpful because it says, "You'll be rerouted to Netflix to continue the process:". I received an error instead, but T-Mobile thinks it succeeded and shows me as registered with Netflix. Now there is no (apparent) way to restart the handshake.

To fix my issue, I went to my local T-Mobile location and the representative texted me a link to retry the Netflix sign-up. It worked fine and I am now able to use my new Netflix account. 😊

Can you share that link? My Netflix was automatically enabled so I cannot actually order it and now I cant link to my netflix account

Userlevel 4
Badge +10

Hey there!  You can sign up for Netflix by logging in to your account.  You may even see a link regarding the offer on the main page (under Important Messages).  If not, click Plan at the top of the page, then click Select Services.  Under Family and Entertainment, choose your desired Netflix plan.   Tap Add Services.  Scroll down on the following page and press Next.  Choose your start date, then agree to the terms and conditions.  Select Submit Changes.

On the next page, tap Next Step, Sign Up link.  Click Sign up for Netflix (even if you already have an account).  After that, click the Already have an account link to log in and associate your existing Netflix account to your T-Mobile bill.

I've been trying for a month now,  to connect both accounts to take advantage of the 'free" Netflix, but the link on the T-mobile Website send me to a 404-Page Not Found error. I try on the  T-Mobile  app and it goes to a dead page too....
Any ideas or a link that can actually work?


Userlevel 4
Badge +10

You will likely need to reach out to care and have them ensure that you have the Free Netflix with Family Allowances feature on your account.  You will not be able to sign up for the free Netflix without it.

Information for anyone trying to use Netflix through their TMobile account:  I don’t know if Netflix just sucks as a whole, or, if for some reason, Netflix just sucks when going through TMobile (hopefully someone can explain which is the case).  Anytime we try to use Netflix, it takes 10-15 seconds for the system to recognize whether we’ve hit the up, down, or left, right options.  Once we (finally) get to choose the movie/show we are trying to watch, it will play for about three seconds before it freezes.  Once we get passed that initial freeze (approximately 25-45 seconds), we can start watching the program.  However, it constantly has to buffer, and if it ever reaches the 25% mark, it will not go passed that.  You have to go back and start the process all over again.  It’s gotten (or has remained) so bad, that we now opt to pay 5 bucks on Amazon Prime simply because there is much less frustration that way than trying to watch anything on Netflix.  Again, I don’t know if this is because, as a streaming platform, Netflix just sucks, or if it has something to do with trying to use the platform as it’s connected to TMobile.  I would be interested in knowing which is which.  I find it hard to believe, as popular as it is, that Netflix is such a poor responsive platform, and can only, at this time, presume that is has something to do with the service as viewed through a “TMobile” agreement.  If this is the case, TMobile certainly needs to look into it’s agreement with Netfilx and figure out what the problem is, and why it constantly occurs. Again, Netflix may not be very good at responsiveness through it’s own device.  I can only comment on how it is when used in connection to TMobile.  I, personally, think somehow Netflix is screwing over TMobile customers, as TMobile, in every other way, has been nothing but great.  Let me know (  Please use that email, as I don’t monitor this feed/forum.  Thanks!
