
Any one else getting "Configuration Notification" messages?

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I also have OP 3T phone and started receiving these "configuconfig notification" messages since.

June 21 1 message from 5128.

2 messages on July 12 from 909.

2 messages on July 13 from 5125.

1 message on July 13 from 5128.

2 messages on July 24 from 5129.

July 29 2 messages from 5127.

July 30 1 message from 909.

1 message on August 8 from 5128.

I've been receiving these on an axon 7 by zte for a while now. Can't seem to be able to block them either.

So for some reason t mobile auto slected magenta as the user name which I thought it was a reply to option.

Anyway I'm on an essential ph1 and have the same problem. It seems to only happen when I am at home where I typically get bad reception. Often it will say "no reception" or "emergency call only". Like others said it seems to be a problem when disconnecting from the T-Mobile network. Could it possibly be from 2g network?


That's less than helpful... Several customers have reported that they are getting these messages on other 3rd party phones. These are coming across the TMobile network and you're saying that Tmobile doesn't know where they are coming from? Ridiculous. At best, this is some misconfiguration that needs to be fixed, at worst it is some sort of malicious attempt. Perhaps if we make this a bit more public it would light a fire under someone to resolve it. It shouldn't be on the customer to have to find a way to resolve a problem with the Tmobile network.

My phone is One Plus Two.  Was abroad in July, had T-mobile sim in slot 2 (as it always has been), but also got a local sim and put it in slot one. Upon return from the trip started receiving configuration notification messages about 30 times a day from all the short numbers listed in this thread.

One person above mentioned changing sim card positions. I decided to do that. I removed the non t-mobile sim card, and moved t-mobile sim card to slot 1.  This IMMEDIATELY cured the problem. It's been a week and I have not had a single "configuration notification" message.

I do not know if removing the sim card, or moving the t-mobile sim to slot one was the deciding factor, but I do suspect now that the messages may have to do with the fact that OPT (as well as other phones mentioned on this thread) seem all to be dual-sim phones.

So.... if your phone is receiving these messages and it is a dual sim phone try (a) removing all other sim cards (if you have them), and/or (b) moving the sim card to the other slot.

I've received a few of these messages! I got a Samsung S7 Verizon phone I was trying to get to work on T-Mobile. Every time I took the SIM card out of my current phone and put it into the new phone to try to get it to work, when I would take the SIM out of the new phone and put it back into my current phone, I would get 1 message for every time I tried to change the APN settings. It was so weird! I haven't received any of the messages except for when I put the SIM card back in after trying to get the new phone to work, and only got 1 message for each time I tried to change the APN settings. So, when I first put the SIM card into the new phone, I messed with the APN settings 3 different times. I put the SIM card back into my current phone and got 3 of those messages back to back. A little while later, I put the SIM card back into the new phone, messed with the APN settings 2 more times, put the SIM card back into my current phone and got 2 of those messages back to back. Haven't put the SIM card back into the new phone since then, so haven't taken it out of my current phone, and haven't gotten any of those messages.

I have been working with some TMo engineers for several days now on this issue. Some light has finally been shed today, although there is still no known solution or work-around. @tmo_amanda, you'll probably want to be aware of this.

So for a few days, the official response was that these messages were not coming from T-Mobile. However, I was able to reproduce them very easily and on-demand by swapping SIM cards from one "affected" phone to another. Not all phones are affected (for example, a Pixel 2 XL is not) but some less-popular brands are (OnePlus, Essential, and ZTE, for instance). I had two different SIM cards and both cards were able to reproduce this behavior on-demand every single time I swapped cards from one phone to another. However, reboots, airplane mode, and other such changes did not cause the problem. I understand this trigger is different than what others see, and that's okay. I think we're still working towards the root of the problem and it's good we don't need weak signal situations to trigger this, which are much more difficult to reproduce. Given that the network detecting that a SIM card changing phones was the trigger for me, this mostly proved that T-Mobile WAS the source of these messages one way or another.

Well, the official response changed today. I am now being told that these messages ARE coming from T-Mobile, and that they're specifically related to DIGITS. We have tried several things to try to manipulate the system to stop sending this messages but so far all attempts (both by me and the network engineers) have proven unsuccessful. So we don't yet have any way to stop the messages, but we are finally on a path that has hope!

I'll come back here and post more as I have useful information to share. It's a little slow-moving, so it might take a while, though. :-)

I should reverify this before posting, but i have a feeling it could be

related to some tower cells or to some in my trajectory during the day.

Previously I blocked 2 or 3 originating numbers, and messages stopped

coming for days as long as I'm in my regular travel trajectory. Today I

traveled out of that familiar area and received one message...

Userlevel 3

I'm sorry for being absent on the thread guys. I appreciate each and everyone one of your updates that you've passed along to me. If tickets have been filed with Engineers, please pass along those ticket numbers. I'm tracking down a different contact to get this resolved as fast as possible. Continually getting these messages would drive me nuts and I'm sure it's doing the same to some of you. I'm incredibly sorry this is still going on but I'll continue searching for answers!

@magenta5791515 - what number are these messages coming from now since you blocked a few of them previously?

@jaxidian - thank you for being incredibly helpful. I'm going to send you a PM to see if we can get on the same page and make some progress! You can check your inbox here.

I haven't contributed to this thread due to not having a profile on here. I've gotten these "Configuration" messages as well. What I've noticed with them though, is that the only time I ever get them, is on my ZTE Axon M (Z999) only AFTER I put my sim card back into the device. I have tried to recreate the same message on my previous phone (Lenovo Moto E 4) with no success. The more I look into it, the message is supposed to provide the proper APN settings with it to whatever device the Sim card has been put into. This is mainly only on devices that don't automatically switch the APN info when you put a Sim card into it. That doesn't explain why it's spamming the other T-Mo users though. The only numbers that I receive the messages from are:



What djsnd is writing makes sense to me. I just replaced my OnePlusTwo with Essential Ph-1. I described how removing a non-T-mobile sim-card from OPT's slot 1 and placing the t-mob sim from slot 2 to slot 1 cured the crazy number of "Configuration Notification" messages problem.

Now, when I placed the same t-mobile sim in the new Essential I got exactly one "Configuration Notification" message almost immediately, but no more messages in just over 24 hours..

I do not have the time/energy to test all possible combinations, but it seems that we are converging on what is going on here.

Userlevel 3

Welcome, @djsnd​! Thanks for creating a profile and chiming in with your ticket numbers.

From the sounds of it, simply switching the SIM is causing the messages to generate. I only have one user's ticket numbers. If any other users have ticket numbers, please pass them along as this will speed up the resolution time. If you do not have a ticket number, I'd like to send you a PM to collect a few pieces of info so you can be added to the list. Please let me know if you'd like me to PM you.


I haven't switched (or even touched) the Sim card on my phone (OnePlus 3T) but I have received configuration notification messages. I have received multiple messages from these numbers: 5125, 5126, 5127, 5128, 5129 & 909. The last multiple messages from the numbers ending in 27 & 28 I received August 10th. All these #s are blocked. Thanks for trying to help us out.

Hi All,

I wanted to report back that since the week of July 18th I have not received any more of these messages. I did two things that week; The first was to place an FCC spam request and the second was to move my sim card from sim2 to the sim1 position in my OnePlus 3T.

Just now I decided to test this and switched the sim back to sim two and placed back in the phone. Within a minute of doing so I received two config messages. I'm going to leave the sim in the second slot for a day or two and see how many if I receive more of these messages.

Amanda you can pm me, and also tell me where to open a ticket so I can get another one in the queue.


The last time I contacted OnePlus, they also suggested to move the sim card from one slot to the other, and since then, I have not received any more configuration messages.

The sim card is not the culprit for my receiving the messages either. I do not move my sim card, yet I began receiving the configuration messages on July 9th. After calling support, I was told to remove and replace the sim card. This had no effect; configuration message still came in at about one dozen a day. I eventually simply gave up on calling T-Mobile, relied on this thread for additional information, and turned off text notifications in exasperation. That was over a month ago. The messages have suddenly stopped, though, with the last one received on July31st. I even turned my text notifications back on two days ago.

I have never switched Sims either and getting daily messages from these same numbers. 909,5125-29

I called t mobile few weeks ago, never got a ticket number since t mobile did not acknowledge it's a problem from their side.

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T-Mobile Support



Any one else getting "Configuration Notification" messages?

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I haven't switched (or even touched) the Sim card on my phone (OnePlus 3T) but I have received configuration notification messages. I have received multiple messages from these numbers: 5125, 5126, 5127, 5128, 5129 & 909. The last multiple messages from the numbers ending in 27 & 28 I received August 10th. All these #s are blocked. Thanks for trying to help us out.

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These messages just keep coming.

I got the exact same messages on my One Plus 3t. I tried switching messaging apps but that was not the issue. I'm going to try switching the SIM card slots and see if that works.

Amanda,will you pm me, and also tell me where to open a ticket so I can get in the queue?

Hi! Adding to this thread to ask where I can make a ticket for this same issue.

I had a SIM go bad on Saturday and had it swapped out then these messages started flowing.  However, I’m using an iPhone X unlike everyone else who is using an Android device.  What’s really odd is that I have a Galaxy Note 9 on another line and I have digits enabled on it to receive calls and texts from the iPhone X’s number.  It appears that when the Note 9 is turned off, I no longer receive these message on the iPhone X.  Totally strange...

I suspect my issue may be related to a Digits configuration hung in the switch and throwing error codes to my iPhone number but what do I know....

Started yesterday on my iPhone X from 512-7, 8, 6, 9.  I have received 7 messages so far today.  Happy to help troubleshoot and add my number to the ticket.  Thank you.

I switch sim locations and I have not received any configuration messages since August 24th.

Just switched my sim card from slot #2 to #1. Hopefully, the annoying messages will stop now. On 8/29, I received almost 100 of them in 2-3 hours while I was about 15 miles away from where I live. T-Mobile, please do something about it!!!

Having exactly the same issue as everyone. Started getting these in early July, which is when I switched back to my T-Mo sim after traveling. It has not relented since, still get about 15-20 per day. Am using OnePlus 3. Short codes 5125, 5126, 5127, 5128, 5129, 909.

@ @tmo_amanda I was never given a ticket number but I've been in touch with Miranda from your support team for at least the past 2 months. Have tried blocking the short codes, blocking all short codes, blocking short codes for family line, switching phone (tested on iPhone), switching SIM, switching SIM to slot 1. Nothing has worked.
