
Why does Tmobile lie about bill never increasing?

  • 28 June 2023
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I was told my bill would never increase, now its $14.50 more a month. Time for a class action law suit

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Did you check your bill to see why it went up?

Hey Gramps

Yes I did, 1. When Netflix raises their price T-Mobile passes it on to me, No mention of that at sign on.

                2. T-Mobile changed the way they want AutoPay to be paid, additional fee now, no mention of that at sign on.

At Sign on with T-Mobile they said “ As long as you do not change your service ,we will never increase your bill” Big lie. I havent changed my plan at all in 4 years.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

It's the price of your qualifying rate plan they promise not to raise.


Then they should say that up front. Too much to ask? After data breach now they want my checking account or debit account for auto pay. No Way.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Rate plan is not always your bill. If you have add on services or EIP’s your final bill will be different than your rate plan.

Be careful with this company there are scam they'll overcharge you, make you pay and then they'll go back and tell you that you have past due balances which you don't. Also you have some imaginary one-time fees that they always do
