
home internet

  • 10 October 2023
  • 3 replies


Absolutely no connection! Really frustrated 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

would help a tad to know a bit more...have you had signal up until recently? has it always been no signal? have you checked through the app to see if it was set up in a good enough area? are you currently trying to set it up?


for home net issues/troubleshooting you might opt to take a peak into this forum


its dedicated to troubleshooting home net issues..

Got ours last night...6 hours later and boxing the p.o.s up to give it back. 20mbps. Tried EVERY window in our house, when it was at 4 bars the speed was 40mbps, 2 bars and sometimes it would get to 80mbps. Turns out 1 of their towers are down and they don’t know when it will be fixed. Plus we asked if trees can interfere and the rep said “Sometimes but we are coming into winter so you shouldn’t have to worry about it.” HUH??? Ok then what about in the SUMMER?? At 20mbps might as well go back to dial up modems.

One of their towers was down near me about 30 minutes ago everything stopped working. Service is not back up and better than ever. 
