
Wrong number

  • 7 October 2021
  • 4 replies


I just switched to T-Mobile. My phone number was supposed to be transferred. The T-Mobile site stated that my number could be transferred. I have to have my original phone number for work purposes. I received my phone today and transferred my data from my old phone to my new phone. I called my daughter and was informed my phone number was different. Can I fix this by going into the store? I can’t have a different number it would make my life chaos.

4 replies

I am also having this issue. Would be great if we could get some help? It's super annoying. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Porting a number takes time.  Usually a couple of days.  Until the port is complete, you have a temporary number.  

It's been a month. I'm thinking TMobile should send me another SIM card? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Call Customer Care or reach out to the T-Force Team via Facebook or Twitter.  It just might be as simple as changing the outgoing number display in the system. If someone texts or calls the number you ported in?  Do you get those calls and messages? 
