
Outage 5/22/2024

  • 22 May 2024
  • 2 replies


Is there an outage with TMobile today?  Unable to text or use the browser

2 replies

Since yesterday!

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Texting and data have become my primary reason for having a phone, so I know how it derails a lot when they are not working. I have a few questions to help narrow down what might be happening and provide some help.

  • Have you tried making any phone calls and do they work? 
  • How many signal bars do you have? Do you see LTE or 5G next to your bars? 
  • Can you share at least your zip code so we can see if there is any kind of outage in the area? 

I am sure we can work together to get some answers! Thanks 😁
