
Sound lag

  • 13 February 2023
  • 7 replies


I use Hulu as my streaming service and mostly watch live tv. Lately the show’s sound starts to lag behind the show’s picture. It begins synchronized but usually during a commercial the sound will start to lag. It synchs back up when I change channels and return to the original. My best guess is this issue is a T-Mobile WiFi issue, not a Hulu issue. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there an easy fix?

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Have you tried going into the streaming device's settings, then audio to see if there's a sync setting?


Thanks for the suggestion. I looked but couldn’t find such a setting. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

have you used any other streaming services and have they ran into the same problem or only Hulu?

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Leisuretowne, I have this problem as well with YouTube TV and occasionally Hulu. Since I had the same problem with Xfinity, I am convinced that the problem is either with the TV or your interface. In my case, I have a new Sony Bravia and use Apple TV 4K as my interface.

I consider you lucky that the sync returns after the commercial! I usually have to kill the app I’m using and then relaunch it. Most of the time that will fix the problem, hence the reason I was asking what interface you use to access Hulu.


I haven’t noticed the lag with anything but the Hulu live programming. My wife and I occasionally watch Disney+, Netflix and Prime Video but all seems fine. We have Roku TVs. We used to have Xfinity but never noticed it there. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Thanks for the suggestion. I looked but couldn’t find such a setting. 

I forgot what streaming app had a audio sync. It might of been Sling.

Userlevel 7
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I haven’t noticed the lag with anything but the Hulu live programming. My wife and I occasionally watch Disney+, Netflix and Prime Video but all seems fine. We have Roku TVs. We used to have Xfinity but never noticed it there. 

its gotta be something with live in your scenario then. you might even jump into the app and check out the comments on it. you would be surprised at how much you can learn about current issues in there.
